Update: 15:30 We've just added a new section to the store that shows all the audio tracks that have been featured on Lost here. You can see all the Lost Audio in detail in the Lost Audio section.
Update: 15:00 We've just added a new section to the store that shows all the books that have been featured on Lost here. You can see all the Lost Books in detail in the Lost Books section. Thanks to CitizenMike for the suggestion.
Update: 13:00 We've also added a general SpoilerTV store here.We've added a new little feature to the site called "The Lost Store" which we hope you'll find useful. It contains all the current Lost related Merchandise including DVD's, Games, Books etc that are available. You can change the category by clicking on the various category links in the right hand side. The site is powered by Amazon.
You can access the store either via the Menu under the Media heading or direct via this link. If you find a Lost related item that is not currently in the store please email me or leave a comment and I'll get it added. Once on the store page you can return to the site via the "Go back to DarkUFO Homepage" link at the bottom. If you have any comments/feedback please feel free to let me know.