Update: 26th March Congrats to our 3 Winners.
http://twitter.com/nsimonsonTime for another competition this time from Big-O.
We have have 3 copies of his great iPhone Lost trivia game about ABC's television show LOST.
App Store Link
Choose between 16, 42, or 108 questions, from specific categories, then post your results to twitter!
Included with 1.0 are categories for The Smoke Monster, and for The Swan Station, but more categories are on the way! We will also be including on our web site a form to let you submit your own questions!
Here is what you need to do.
1) Follow both @BigO and @DarkUFO on Twitter. (You must have a Twitter account in order to follow someone.) You must be following both of us in order to be eligible to win.
2) At some point before 10AM GMT on Friday, 26th March, tweet:
I am following @DarkUFO and @BigO for a chance to to win a Free Lost iPhone Trivia App! - Full Details Here: http://bit.ly/aTzFxx
3) That's it. Anyone can enter from anywhere.
We will only accept one entry per Twitter ID. 3 winners will be selected at random on March 26th.