Welcome to DarkUFO, one of the most popular Lost sites on the net! We hope to have everything that a Lost fan wants: Spoilers, Theories, Screencaps, Recaps, Contests and lots of other great things to keep a dedicated Lost fan occupied. Please have a look around, post a comment, and interact with other Lost fans. Have fun, and namaste!
UPDATE: The weekly character scores and episode totals charts have been added to the post. I wasn't able to insert them earlier when Google was having problems.
UPADTE: Google seems to be having issues with their image hosting right now. Charts and tables will be up when Google fixes the problem.
Our second Double-Points Episode is in the books and, for the second week in a row, the leader boards have been completely tossed about! With Richard's record-setting 920 points, our league leaders now look drastically different. Also, for what I believe is the first time ever, one of our celebrity contestants is leading the League! Way to go Pete!
NOTE: There were a number of point adjustments made heading into this post. This means that your weekly scores may look incorrect. Please check the Important Point Rulings section to see if these adjustments affect your team before emailing me about an incorrect score.
"Ab Aeterno" would have been a points giant without the double-points factor. With the DPF, it is now the highest-scoring episode this season and possibly of all time! Makes you wonder what will happen in our third and final DPE this year (6.13). Ah well, check out the Fantasy Update above (I've written off a few more people) and the lovely stats and data below.
1) Sawyer was retroactively given points for encountering a New Thing. In 6.09, we give Richard points for the white stone Jacob gives him. Therefore, Sawyer deserves points for the black and white stones.
1) Both the Smoke Monster and the Man In Black have had points retroactively removed. In "Sundown," we gave them points for encountering a new thing with the sword that Sayid attacked him with. We now know that MIB had seen this sword before, so those points have been stripped from each of them.
1) Sawyer and Jin each get DHARMA Logo points. Thanks to a sharp-eyed contestant, I was given a screencap that shows both men on screen with the generic DHARMA logo inside Claire's hut.
2) Charles Widmore gets credit for visiting a DHARMA location. Even though we didn't see him outside of the submarine, he gets credit for visiting Hydra Island.
If you have any questions about why something was or wasn't scored, leave a comment or use the email above!
1) Ilana is credited with Centricity for the episode as well as Richard. Our rules state that a League Character needs to have a minimum of two Flash segments in order to qualify for centricity. Even though Ilana's second flashback lacked the WHOOSH! effect, it was a separate flashback.
2) Richard gets a Major Injury deduction for the shipwreck. It appears that he was knocked unconscious by it, which fits our definition for a major injury.
3) Smokey is charged with killing 5 people. As stated in our Important Points Rulings for 6.06 "Sundown," the rules do not require us to see all of the deaths occur in order to charge deductions. Whitfield stated that there were five officers left. We took this to mean five including himself. It is clear that Smokey killed everyone off before scanning Richard. Since we were given a number of surviving officers, we know how many people Smokey killed.
4) The Black Rock is not new for MIB/Smokey. The producers implied in their recent podcast that the Black Rock was the ship from the beginning of "The Incident."
5) Isabella appearing on the Black Rock was MIB/Smokey in disguise. We're taking Jacob at his word that Isabella was not Isabella and really the Smoke Monster. This gives Smokey/MIB an additional visit to the Black Rock and Richard an additional encounter with Smokey.
6) Jacob's pummeling of Richard is a major injury. The beating and the drowning together added up to a lot of physical trauma for Richard. While there was no actual blood shown, we've decided that any form of attempted drowning will count as a major injury.
7) The wine bottle counts for New Thing points. It's a pretty ordinary wine glass but because it was used to illustrate the purpose of Jacob and the Island, it gained importance.
8) MIB/Smokey has a flashback. The last scene where Jacob comes to visit MIB was actually a flashback for MIB/Smokey. Richard was not in it, so it cannot be attributed to him. Since it jumped from MIB-Locke to the FB, we're crediting MIB/Smokey with the FB.
HURLEY (+70 points): Attendance; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (2- Isabelle, MIB's Camp)
BEN (+10 points): Attendance
JACK (+10 points): Attendance
MAN IN BLACK (+180 points): Appears in Someone Else's Misc. FB (Richard's); Attendance; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (4- the Black Rock crew, Richard, Isabella's Necklace, the Wine Bottle); Encounters Jacob; Kills Someone (5 members of the Black Rock crew); Last Line; Last on Screen; On-Island Flashback; Visits the Black Rock (3 times)
SUN (+20 points): Attendance; Says the Title of an Episode ("One of Them")
MILES (+10 points): Attendance
RICHARD (+920 points): Attendance; Character has an Eye Close-Up; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (16- The Doctor's House, The Doctor, The Medicine, The Jail, The Priest, Whitfield, The Black Rock, The other slaves, The Island, The Statue, The Smoke Monster, MIB's Camp, The Sword, Jacob, The Wine Bottle, the White Stone); Encounters Jacob; Encounters the Smoke Monster (4 times); Episode Centricity; Gets a Major Injury (3- Shipwreck, the Chanins, Jacob's beat-down); Goes in the Water; Kills Someone (The Doctor); Kisses Someone or Gets Kissed (4 times with Isabella); Miscellaneous FB; Says the Title of an Episode (2- "I Do" and "One of Us"); Visits the Black Rock; Visits the Statue (twice)
ILANA (220 points): Attendance; Character Has an Eye Close-up; Encounters Jacob; Episode Centricity; First on Screen; Off-Island Flashback; Says the Title of an Episode ("I Do")
JACOB (+220 points): Appears in Someone Else's Flashback (2- Ilana's and MIB's); Appears in Someone Else's Misc. FB (Richard's); Attendance; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (2- Richard, Sword); Encounters the Smoke Monster; First Line; Goes in the Water; Inflicts a Major Injury (Beats up Richard); Visits the Statue
FRANK (+10 points): Attendance
SMOKE MONSTER (+180 points): Appears in Someone Else's Misc. FB (Richard's); Attendance; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (4- the Black Rock crew, Richard, Isabella's Necklace, the Wine Bottle); Encounters Jacob; Kills Someone (5 members of the Black Rock crew); Last Line; Last on Screen; On-Island Flashback; Visits the Black Rock (3 times)
The combination of MIB and Smokey finally paid off big for people! And of course, having Richard didn't hurt either! ;-)
We had 11 Fantasy Geniuses of the Week this week and all 11 of them are true geniuses because they all gained the maximum points possible: an astounding 1,570! Here are the lucky dogs and their teams:
4815162342Laurens: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Aaron, Smokey, Charlie P.
Damned I Win: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Aaron, Smokey, Charlie P.
G.I.R.U.Y.: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Aaron, Smokey, Charlie P.
HeavyLost: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Charlie H., Smokey, Charlie P.
Justin'sJam: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Aaron, Smokey, Charlie P.
Locke Lives!: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Charlie H., Smokey, Daniel
pinky'slosties: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Charlie H., Smokey, Charlie P.
probably lost: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Walt, Smokey, Charlie P.
Team DFTBA: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Aaron, Smokey, Daniel
Team Potolo: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Walt, Smokey, Daniel
Theatrum Mundi is Back: Hurley, MIB, Richard, Jacob, Aaron, Smokey, Daniel