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Sawyer knows how to get things done! Not only did he set a record for the season (and possibly LFL history) for a single episode score by a centric character, but he also single-handedly ended our three-episode slump in the points AND he dramatically shook up the standings! "Recon" snagged 835 points overall and it looks like this season is just starting to heat up!
Check out the Fantasy Update video above to see if I've eliminated anyone on your roster from contention. Check below for all the important stats and standings you're used to. And get ready Lost fans! Next week's episode is going to be another double-points episode. Hopefully it will score better than "What Kate Does." Will it have a dramatic effect on the LFL? You'll have to come back next week and find out!
1) MIB roughing up Claire counts as one injury. He tosses her aside and, while she is struggling, he slaps her. We considered this to be one continued injury session.
2) When Smokey comes back from sending Sawyer on his mission, only Kate, Claire and Sayid get points for an encounter. Jin and Cindy are in the camp but we did not see them on screen with Smokey. The next time we see them with him, they will get the points because Smokey did establish a visible presence outside of the camp.
3) Miles shoving Sawyer into the locker is a minor injury. Miles meant to jolt him. Based on that intent and the way he hit him, it is a minor injury.
4) Sawyer punching the mirror is a minor injury. We see him later with a bandaged hand, meaning that he hurt it pretty good. Since we did not see any blood, Sawyer is only charged for the minor injury. He loses points for inflicting and sustaining a minor injury.
5) When Kate's car slams into Sawyer's, it causes minor injuries for everyone. We felt that the jolt was enough to hurt a little for everyone, so Kate is charged with injuring both Sawyer and Miles (but not herself, as it was not her intention to crash). She also loses minor injury points for herself.
If you have any questions about why something was or wasn't scored, leave a comment or use the email above!
NOTE: I forgot to give Charles Widmore credit for visiting a DHARMA Location (Hydra Island). This will be corrected for next week.
SAWYER (+460 points): Attendance; Encounters Charles Widmore; Encounters a DHARMA Logo (Hydra); Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (12- Claire's Camp, The Skelebaby, Charlotte, Ajira 316, the Bodies of the Ajira Folk, Zoe, Liam Pace, Widmore's Team, the Submarine, the Mini Pylons, Charlotte's Apartment, the Locked Room); Encounters the Smoke Monster (twice); Encounters or Uses the Numbers (2- 8 & 42 on the clock, 4 & 8 on the plane wing); Episode Centricity; First Line; First on Screen; Gets a Minor Injury (4- Hot teapot, Shoved by Miles, Punching the Mirror, Car crash); Goes in the Water (twice); Has SEX (twice!); Inflicts a Minor Injury (3- Zoe, Himself by punching the mirror, Kate); Kisses Someone or Gets Kissed (3- once with Ava, Before and after sex with Charlotte); Last Line; Last on Screen; Miscellaneous FB/FF; Says the Title of an Episode (2- "LaFleur" and "I Do"); Travels by Car; Visits a DHARMA Location (Hydra Island)
KATE (+60 points): Appears in Someone Else's Misc. FB; Attendance; Encounters a DHARMA Logo (Generic); Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (3- Claire's Camp, The Skelebaby, Miles); Encounters Smokey; Gets a Minor Injury (3- Attacked by Claire, Car Crash, Slammed by Sawyer); Inflicts a Minor Injury (2- Miles & Sawyer); Nicknamed by Sawyer ("Frckles")
MILES (+65 points): Appears in Someone Else's Misc. FB; Attendance; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (2- Sawyer's Binder, Kate); Encounters or Uses the Numbers (815); Gets a Minor Injury (Car Crash); Inflicts a Minor Injury (Shoves Sawyer into Lockers); Nicknamed by Sawyer (2- "Partner" and "Sunshine"); Travels by Car
SAYID (+40 points): Attendance, Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (Claire's Camp); Encounters the Smoke Monster
JIN (+25 points): Attendance; Encounters the Smoke Monster
MAN IN BLACK (+10 points): Attendance; Inflicts a Minor Injury (Roughs up Claire); Nicknamed by Sawyer ("Old Man"); Says the Title of an Episode ("Recon")
CLAIRE (+25 points): Attendance; Encounters a DHARMA Logo (Generic, Swan); Encounters the Smoke Monster; Gets a Minor Injury (Roughed up by MIB); Inflicts a Minor Injury (Attacks Kate)
CHARLES WIDMORE (+10 points): Attendance; Nicknamed by Sawyer ("Chief")
CINDY (+20 points): Attendance; Encounters A New Person, Place or Thing (Claire's Camp)
SMOKEY (+10 points): Attendance; Inflicts a Minor Injury (Roughs up Claire); Nicknamed by Sawyer ("Old Man"); Says the Title of an Episode ("Recon")
CHARLOTTE (+110 points): Appears in Someone Else's Misc. FB; Attendance; Encounters a New Person, Place or Thing (Sawyer, Sawyer's Apartment, Sawyer's Binder); Has SEX; Kisses Someone or Gets Kissed (Sawyer, twice)
We had one Fantasy Genius of the Week this week! The highest you could score was 680 points but that wasn't in the cards for our FGotW. Instead, they picked up an impressive 670 points with the following team:
Egyptian Eyeliner Pharaoh: Sawyer, Miles, Richard, Claire, Walt, Smokey, Charlotte