Update: 5th March With our recent "Lockdown Announcment" I thought it was a good time to re-bump this.
Update: 8th October With more spoilers coming out I thought it was a good time to "bump" this up.I've noticed that a number of you have decided to attempt to go spoiler free for the final season of Lost or at least cut down on the larger spoilers. I applaud all of you who are trying and I strongly suggest that unless your are a real Spoiler Junkie like me that you try to enjoy this final Season of Lost as spoilerfree as possible.
I thought I'd write a little guide that may help reduce the likelihood of getting spoiled this season, whilst still enjoying the online Lost Experience here at DarkUFO
1) Avoid the Internet and all Human Contact
This is the simplest and ONLY way to avoid spoilers. Stay indoors, shut the TV off, pull out your modem, cut your phone line, put your mobile phone in the bin and finally wrap your head in Tin Foil.... Then each week just turn on your TV just for Lost :) Rinse and Repeat for 16+ weeks and then resume normal living.
Obviously this is not practical for most so here are some more practical and useful tips.
2) Avoid unmoderated Forums
I cannot stress this enough. Do NOT go onto forums or message boards that do not have a good record of Moderation eg IMDB. You will get SHOTGUN spoiled. Avoid these like the plague. If you do get spoiled at these sites, you only have yourself to blame. These are NOT safe places.
We here at the SpoilerTV forums have a dedicated and skilled team of Moderators from all around the world providing protection 24 hrs a day. Obviously trolls exists but we normally deal with these withing 5-10 mins of a bad post and they are IP and email address banned for life.
3) Avoid the Spoiler Section
Obviously don't visit the spoiler sections of sites such as DarkUFO, they will be choke full of spoiler goodness.
4) But I want Mild Spoilers
But what if you want just mild spoilers like Episode Titles, Casting News/Calls, Promo's etc.
I know that a LOT of people like just the little spoilers.
So with that in mind, we have an episode guide thread in the Spoiler section
This will have the episode titles, casting calls and links to filming reports. They will also contain the Official Press Release, Promotional Photos and Guest lists as and when ABC release them. Use this if you just want the basics.
NOTE: As with all sections of DarkUFO, you are advised not to read the comments as people could well be discussing other spoilers in there. Just read the thread and not the comments.
If you also want to watch Trailers and Sneak Peeks, these can be found on this link.
Again, don't read the comments as you run the risk of being spoiled from people commenting on other spoilers that relate to videos.
If for some reason you don't get to watch Lost when the rest of us do, do not visit ANY Lost site, Twitter Account, RSS Feed until you have. You would be amazed at the number of people who are surprised they get spoiled by Lost sites discussing the show they just watched. WTF are you doing on a Lost site, seriously. It's like missing a ball game and not wanting to find out a result and then going into a sports bar and hoping that no one is discussing the game :)
Hope this helps a little and good luck to all of you trying to remain Spoiler Free this season! If you have any suggestions of your own, please leave them in the comments.