Since DarkUFO is away this week, we're going old school with the video! And it's the last one for the year folks because we have reached the end! After countless hours of exhaustive Lost viewing, analyzing and scoring, we finally have our winners!
It's almost hard to believe that we've made it through the 5th season of Lost so quickly. Where did all the time go? With all the action and excitement provided by the finale, there are some important point rulings that were made that you should understand before sending any complaints my way.
Also, due to the Man in Black dilemma, I had to go back and adjust scores from several episodes in the second half of the season. That information is also below in the Important Point Rulings section and I highly advise you read through it so you understand why you may now be drastically higher or lower than before.
But now for our winners!
FIRST PLACE: Mapleleaf50's Team O'Lost
PRIZE: Season 5 DVD and Soundtrack
SECOND PLACE: Keamy's Team of Killers
PRIZE: Season 5 DVD
PRIZE: Season 5 Soundtrack
We're going to leave these results as unofficial for 3-4 days. In that time, please let me know if I've missed anything from the finale! I watched it half a dozen times, so I'm pretty sure I've got it all right but I just want to be sure. Our winners will be contacted shortly and made aware of the situation. If, after 3-4 days, no one has alerted us to any scoring mistakes that affect our top 3, they will be declared the official winners of the Season 5 Lost Fantasy League.
If you've got any questions, consult the League rule book at the bottom of this post. If you can't find an answer to your questions there, shoot me an email at I will do my best to get back to you as promptly as possible.
"The Incident" in 750 words or less:
Much like our beloved Losties, Jacob is a very well-traveled individual. Way back in the days of the Black Rock he was kicking it on the beach and teasing a very frustrated Man in Black. Methinks he pushed him a bit too far because the Man in Black says he really really wants to kill Jacob.
Later on, Jacob pals does some sightseeing and gets in touch (literally) with most of the main characters that are still alive either before the crash of Flight 815 or after the Oceanic 6 get rescued. Except for Juliet. She just gets to huff and whine about her parents' looming divorce.
Now to the present, or past, really. Jack and Sayid get the warhead out of Jughead and Richard gets all over Ellie's head with his gun. He sends Jack and Sayid on their little fool's errand and takes Ellie back to her people, because evidently she's the leader now. Sayid gets the bright idea to put on a DHARMA jumper and walk straight through the Barracks with the bomb in tow. And it works out just as well as you'd think it would- horribly. Roger spots the SOB that shot his kid (notice he never calls him Ben) and returns the favor (only Sayid's bullet wound doesn't move around). Jack blasts his way out of Mos Eisley with a little help from his friends.
Meanwhile, Sawyer & Co. ditch the sub and find Rose & Bernard, who have been living on their own for the last three years with Vincent. Yeah, that's right- they managed to avoid DHARMA, the Hostiles, the Smoke Monster and Sawyer's search grids for three years in retirement bliss. I'm sorry but I have to draw a line somewhere. I can handle quadrangles, plot holes and episodes about the history of Jack's tattoos, but this is ridiculous. And sappy as all get out.
Jack & Co. race for the Swan and run into Sawyer & Co. Jack and Sawyer vent a little aggression, shake hands and walk away. Okay, so actually Jack gets his ass handed to him and is only spared because Juliet comes out of the blue and says Jack is doing the right thing even though she convinced Sawyer to try and stop him about an hour ago.
Kate suddenly is on Jack's side too now as he heads for the Swan while everyone begrudgingly sits around and waits to blow up. Then Miles points out what I've been saying for weeks now- that detonating the bomb is going to cause the incident so if they really want to change the past and future, they should just stay put and let the armed DHARMA dudes take Jack out. Suddenly everyone realizes they do want Jack to go nuclear after all. They bust in like the A-Team and hold everyone at bay while Jack drops the bomb. They wait in excruciating silence as Michael Giacchino's music makes everybody cry.
But nothing happens. Pretty sneaky! Everyone starts glancing out the corner of their eyes thinking WTF? Then the incident happens. The Island starts humming and metal goes flying everywhere. Some chains that were lying around for no good reason attack Juliet like they were the trees in Evil Dead and tackle her into the shaft. Sawyer grabs on but Juliet lets go, falls down and makes the bomb go boom.
In 2007/8 Richard is leading Locke, Ben, Sun and the Others to Jacob. Ben is still pouting over having to kill Jacob but Locke makes a good point in saying that Jacob was a real prick all this time so why not off the bugger. Meanwhile, Frank sees what's in the box an hour and a half before we do and follows Ilana and the rest through the jungle.
At night at the statue, Locke makes Richard take him to Jacob and brings Ben along. Richard starts going off about rules but Locke shuts him down ominously. Frank & Ilana show up to reveal that Locke's corpse is still dead and in the box, making the Locke inside the statue the Man in Black. Wow- it's impressive that they spent a whole half of the season pulling the wool over our eyes (even if it does mean Locke has been nothing but a tool all this time, which is sad).
Ben kills Jacob, who tells Fake Locke "they're coming." We'll find out what that means next year as Lost returns for its final season.
POINT ADJUSTMENTS FOR EPISODE 5x07: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
John Locke: Locke loses all his post-Ajira crash points, including 3 New People/Places/Things, Polar Bear points, First Line, Goes in the Water, Last Line points, Last on Screen points and DHARMA visit points. Locke still retains all the points earned in his flashbacks though.
Christian Shephard: Picks up Fist Line points.
Ben Linus: Picks up Last Line and Last on Screen points.
During the scoring for this episode we listed Christian Shephard as an Island Vision. In light of the Man in Black's ability to take on the shape of others, we reversed our decision on Christian for this episode. He had also not been labeled an Island Vision when he appeared to Locke in the Wheel Chamber, presenting us with a continuity issue with our scoring.
Christian: Loses Appears in an Island Vision points.
Frank: Loses Island Vision points.
Sun: Loses Island Vision points.
POINT ADJUSTMENTS FOR EPISODE 5x11: "Whatever Happened, Happened"
John Locke: Loses Appearance points, Last on Screen and Last Line points. Picks up an absentee deduction.
Ben: Picks up Last on Screen points and New Person points (for the Man in Black pretending to be Locke).
Sawyer: Picks up Last Line points.
John Locke: Loses all of his points for the episode and picks up an absentee deduction.
Ben: Picks up New Person points (for the scene of him waking up and meeting the Man in Black pretending to be Locke again).
Frank: Picks up New Person points for the Man in Black as Locke.
Sun: Picks up New Person points for the Man in Black as Locke.
John Locke: Loses all of his points for the episode except for Attendance, and one of his scores for visiting a DHARMA location.
Ben: Picks up Last Line points.
Richard: Picks up New Person points (for the Man in Black pretending to be Locke).
1) Sayid and Nadia do not get Kiss points. While Nadia is dying, Sayid holds her and rests his face against her. While his lips may have touched her face, his mouth was wide open and I did not consider it a kiss.
2) The old Lostie beach camp does not count as a New Place for Ben or Richard. The Others knew where the Lostie camp was for months after the crash of Flight 815. Thanks to scouts like Ethan, Ben knew exactly where is was. Because Richard was one of Ben's top helpers, I believe that he would know the location as well.
3) Sun and Jin both get credit for their flashback. The FB began after focusing on Sun at the Lostie camp and then cut back to Jin and the others riding in the van. Because it is a joint FB, neither gets credit for appearing in the others FB.
4) The guitar case counts as a New Thing for Hurley. While there may have been hinting that the guitar case belongs to Charlie, it wasn't stated outright.
5) Ben gets New Place points for Jacob's lair inside the statue. Though Ben knows of the statue, he was never inside Jacob's lair and seemed not to know that this is where he actually lived.
6) Jack was not knocked out by the flying toolbox. While he appeared to have closed his eyes, we never saw him passed out for any stretch of time. He was very woozy for sure, but not knocked out.
7) Jacob picks up centricity for the episode. In the flashback where Locke falls from the window, the scene opens on Jacob. We ruled that because it opens on Jacob, it is a Jacob FB. This is Jacob's second FB of the episode and this qualifies him, per our rules, for centricity points.
8) Christian Shephard does NOT get points for Encountering Jacob. While Christian Shephard was briefly visible on screen with Jacob, Christian was walking away down the hall. He never glanced in Jacob's direction during the scene so I have no reason to think he saw him or was aware of his presence.
9) Locke's corpse does not count as a New Thing for anyone. It's the same old Locke everyone knew before, just dead.
10) Mr. Paik does not appear in this episode. During the wedding scene, there is a man in the front row who may have been a stand-in for Mr. Paik but he did not look enough like him for me to award points. The press releases and Lostpedia also do not list Mr. Paik as being present in the episode.
11) We are ruling that everyone that gets shot (except for Sayid obviously) during the Barrcks gunfight and the showdown at the Swan are killed. This greatly impacts the scores of several characters and was an extremely difficult decision to reach. After looking through countless screencaps and watching the episode six times, the people who get shot do not roll around like an injured person or move in any way. That was the key factor in making this ruling.
12) We have decided to rule that Juliet dies in the explosion of the Jughead core. While the fate of everyone else is still very much in limbo, we believe that Juliet is dead. We may be wrong but this is how we ruled on it. By detonating the bomb, Juliet loses points not only for dying but also for killing herself.
Season 5 Episode Scores
Episode 5x16 Scores
APPEARS IN SOMEONE ELSE’S FLASHBACK (+10): Christian (Jack’s FB); Jacob (appears in 7 FB’s- Hurley, Ilana, Jack, Kate, Sawer, Sayid, Sun & Jin); Locke (Jacob’s off-Island FB); Nadia (Sayid’s FB); Rachel (Juliet’s FB)
APPEARS IN THE EPISODE (+5): Ben, Bernard, Christian, Frank, Hurley, Jack, Jacob, Jin, Juliet, Kate, Locke, Marvin Candle, Miles, Ms. Hawking, Nadia, Rachel, Richard, Roger, Rose, Sawyer, Sayid, Sun, Vincent
ABSENT FROM EPISODE (-5): Aaron, Abaddon, Alex, Annie, Arzt, Bea, Boone, Carmen, Cassidy, Charles Widmore, Charlie, Charlotte, Cindy, Claire, Clementine, Daniel, David, Desmond, Diane, Eko, Emma, Ethan, Goodwin, Harper, Horace, Ji-Yeon, Keamy, Kelvin, Libby, Margo, Michael, Michael's Mother, Mikhail, Mr. Paik, Penny, Rousseau, Sarah, Shannon, Smokey, Tom, Walt, Zack
ENCOUNTERS A DHARMA LOGO (+5): Bernard (Star, Generic); Hurley (Chef, Generic, Arrow, Star); Jack (Generic, Arrow, Star, Chef); Jin (Star, Arrow, Generic, Chef); Juliet (Star, Sub, Generic, Chef); Kate (Star, Generic, Arrow, Chef, Sub); Marvin Candle (Swan, Generic, Star); Miles (Generic, Star, Chef, Arrow); Ms. Hawking (Generic); Richard (Generic); Roger (Generic, Arrow); Rose (Star, Generic); Sawyer (Star, Sub, Generic, Chef); Sayid (Generic, Arrow, Star, Chef); Vincent (Star, Generic)
ENCOUNTERS A NEW PERSON, PLACE OR THING (+10): Ben (Jacob’s Lair); Frank (The Cabin, The 4-toed Statue, Richard & the Others); Hurley (Jacob, the Guitar Case); Jack (Jacob); Jacob (The Black Rock); Jin (Jacob); Juliet (Rose & Bernard’s camp); Kate (Jacob, Rose & Bernard’s Camp); Locke (Jacob); Nadia (Jacob); Richard (Ilana & Company); Sawyer (Jacob, Rose & Bernard’s camp); Sayid (Jacob); Sun (Jacob)
ENCOUNTERS JACOB (+40): Ben, Hurley, Jack, Jin, Kate, Locke, Nadia, Sawyer, Sayid, Sun
GETS A MAJOR INJURY (-15): Jack (pummeled by Sawyer); Juliet (falls down shaft); Locke (falls 8 stories); Marvin Candle (hand crushed); Ms. Hawking (knocked out by Richard); Sawyer (beaten by Jack); Sayid (shot by Roger)
GETS A MINOR INJURY (-5): Jack (whacked in the head by toolbox)
GETS KILLED/DIES (-30): Jacob (killed by Ben); Juliet (detonates the bomb); Nadia (run down by car)
GOES IN THE WATER (+5): Jacob (retrieving fish); Juliet (getting out of raft); Kate (getting out of raft); Sawyer (getting out of raft)
INFLICTS A MAJOR INJURY (-10): Jack (beats Sawyer); Juliet (knocks out man on Sub); Richard (knocks Eloise out); Roger (shoots Sayid); Sawyer (pummels Jack)
INFLICTS A MINOR INJURY (-5): Sawyer (pistol whips Radzinsky)
IS GIVEN A NICKNAME BY SAWYER (+5): Jack (“Doc”); Juliet (“Blondie”); Miles (“Enos”)
KILLS SOMEONE (-20): Ben (kills Jacob); Jack (3 people at the Barracks, 1 person at the Swan); Juliet (2 people at the Swan; kills herself by detonating the bomb); Kate (1 person at the Swan);
KISSES SOMEONE/GETS KISSED (+15): Jin (kisses Sun); Sun (kisses Jin)
OFF-ISLAND FLASHBACK (+15): Hurley, Jack, Jin, Juliet, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Sun
TRAVELS BY CAR (+5): Hurley (twice); Jack (once); Jacob (once); Jin (once); Juliet (once); Kate (once); Miles (twice); Sawyer (once); Sayid (once)
USES OR ENCOUNTERS THE NUMBERS (+20): Frank (“823” appears on Ajira crate); Hurley (several of the Numbers appear on his release form); Richard (“823” appears on Ajira crate); Sawyer (says “815”); Sayid (says “815”)
VISITS A DHARMA LOCATION (+5): Jack (Barracks, Swan- twice); Juliet (Swan); Kate (Swan- twice); Marvin Candle (Swan); Miles (Swan); Ms. Hawking (Barracks); Richard (Barracks); Sawyer (Swan); Sayid (Barracks)
VISITS THE STATUE (+20): Ben, Frank, Jacob (twice); Richard, Sun
While all the attention is being paid to our winners, we still want to hold our Fantasy Genius of the Week up high. Congratulations to Anderson's know best...! Their team scored 570 points in the finale, which just might be an LFL FGotW record.
Anderson's know best...- Sawyer, Jacob, Kate, Frank, Ji-Yeon, Libby, Nadia, Jin


Table Toppers


Episode Details

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Downloadable By Mini-League
Season 6 is 8 months away, so this is the end of the Lost Fantasy Updates for the year. Season 6 sign-ups are coming soon though! We've just got a few things to work out yet but we're hoping that the Season 6 Lost Fantasy League will be the largest and best one yet! Don't worry- we'll let you know when sign-ups are coming. :-)
It's been another fun year of twists and turns but I'm glad to finally be getting a rest. I hope you all will stick around DarkUFO's site during the Hiatus because there will be all kinds of activities going on to keep our minds of the insufferable wait for our next Lost fix. I'll be popping up here and there throughout the hiatus with the Character Cup and a little pet project I've been working on for quite some time now. Keep your eyes pealed Lost fans!
Farewell dear Lost fans! I hope to see you all again in 2010 when the LFL returns alongside the final season of Lost.
Namaste and good luck!
One last time, here is the official Season 5 LFL rule book. Happy reading!