Mastodon ODI LOSTcast 38 - Epi 5x10 Recap and 5x11 Preview | LOST

DarkUFO - Lost

Hey All,
So earlier this week we had a chance to interview Eric Lange who plays Radzinsky and we had a great time chatting with him. We appreciate all the positive feedback from all of you that listened.

Also, since many of you emailed us and said that you liked the two new segments in the podcast we have decided to make them a regular part of the podcast. So once again the recap of Episode 5x10 He's Our You starts with our "Initial Thoughts in a Flash" and ends with "Vozzek's Final Thoughts" segment.

We cover all of the key points, the easter eggs and of course the shocking twist with Young Ben being shot by Sayid.

After the recap there is a little preview of Episode 5x11, but the preview portion is followed by an special Extended Season Finale Spoilers segment.

So yes with all of these segments in the podcast, this is a Super-Sized version of the podcast.

The podcast was posted on iTunes earlier today, but for those of you that can not access it there, below is a link to an audio player with a download link.

Hope you all enjoy!!

NOTE: Spoilers/preview segment starts at the 92 Minute mark this week

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