"There's No Place Like Home, Part 1" made for a tantalizing hour of Lost and it also served to change the top of our leader board! There is currently a three-way tie heading into the final episode of the season!
The only catch is that our leaders all have the same team! This means our tie-breaking procedure may be necessary after the final episode airs! If you tuned into last week's ODI podcast, you know what our tie-breaker is. Otherwise, you'll find out should we need to use it. DarkUFO and I are like Ben Linus- we always have a plan. :-)
We might need the tie-breaker because we are only giving out THREE TOP PRIZES:
FIRST PLACE: Season 4 of Lost on DVD and the Season 4 soundtrack!
SECOND PLACE: Season 4 of Lost on DVD
THIRD PLACE: The Season 4 soundtrack
Obviously, we don't have these items in our possession because they are not out yet. Winners will receive these prizes or an Amazon voucher for the approximate value thereof.
Drop us some comments and shoot any questions you have to LFLquestions@gmail.com.
“There's No Place Like Home, Part 1” (in 600 words or less)

Jack and the Losties tune into the sat phone, where it’s all ’roid raging Keamy, all the time. Not hearing anything positive or reassuring, Jack decides to hobble his way through the jungle to find out what’s up with the chopper dudes. Meanwhile, Daniel is freaked because he knows what the secondary protocol is, yet he doesn’t share the urgency of this information with the rest of the group. Smart move genius boy!
Halfway into the jungle, Jack’s stitches go on strike, leaving him bleeding through his shirt. He and Kate stumble upon Miles, Sawyer and Aaron. Jack sends them back to the beach, but Sawyer won’t let Jack die alone and treks alongside the doc to parts unknown.
Sayid reaches the beach and warns everyone that the chopper gang means to do very bad things to them all. Kate pops out of the jungle with the baby and drops the irony bomb on Sayid. Kate hands off the baby to Sun and takes off after Jack and Sawyer with Sayid. Daniel offers to ferry the Losties and Redshirts to the freighter.
Ben pulls out a box from under a pile of rocks. Hurley snacks on ancient DHARMA cracker, Locke plays with binoculars and Ben uses a signal mirror to let his people know not to kill them when they come closer. As they reach the Orchid, Ben discovers that Keamy & Company are already waiting for them.
Jack and Sawyer find the chopper and Frank handcuffed to the seats. They set him free and tells them he can get them out of here. Sawyer wants to save Hurley from Keamy first. Kate and Sayid are captured by the Others. On the freighter, Desmond discovers a very wired stash of C4 in the hold. Ben gives instructions to Locke and then walks right up to Keamy, who summarily knocks Ben out.
In the flashforwards, Jack seems to force everyone into sitting through a press conference in the hopes of making their big fat lie seem believable to the world that wrote them off for dead. They’re all visibly uncomfortable with the arrangements but seem relieved to see a few loved ones at the airport. Jack finds his mom, Sun and Hurley find their parents, Sayid is introduced to the Reyes clan, while Kate and Aaron are all alone.
At the press conference, questions arise about who all survived the crash, the possibility that there might be anymore survivors out there, Kate’s “pregnancy” before leaving Sidney, and (most importantly) why Hugo is still fat after 100 days on an Island. Afterwards, Sayid is reunited with Nadia.
The O6 adjust to the civilized world in different ways. Jack finally gets to have a funeral for his father, Hurley’s parents throw him a tropical-themed party, and Sun uses her settlement money to put Big Bad Asian Dad in his place. They say living well is the best revenge, but purchasing a controlling interest in your dad’s company because you hold him partly to blame for your husband’s “death” ain’t to shabby either.
Ominous foreshadowing of the week: Claire’s now-uncomatose mother tells Jack that his half-sister was on the plane with him. Jack looks at Aaron like he’s a plague baby.
I went back and watched the first eight episodes of Season 4 again to double check all of the scores. I found quite a few items that we either missed initially or now have since been disproven or disqualified. Please take the time to read over these decisions. It will help you understand why your score isn't as high as you think it should be and it will save me time in replying to emails about disputed scoring totals. All of these rulings are final.
1) Hurley loses his points for discovering the cabin and the points for discovering a new person (Christian and/or Jacob). We now know that Jacob is very selective about who he reveals himself to. Hurley did not just happen upon the cabin; Jacob revealed himself to Hugo. Due to our "no reveals" clause in the discovery rules, Jacob's revealing of the cabin disqualifies Hurley from getting points for finding it an anything or anyone inside it.
END RESULT: -40 for Hurley
2) Christian picks up points for encountering Jacob. Two important nuggets of information helped me out with this one. First, in "Cabin Fever" Christian Shephard stated that he was not Jacob. This means Christian was in the cabin with someone else (the face that popped up in the window). Second, I asked Jorge Garcia via The Fuselage whether they eye in that scene belonged to Locke (my original theory) or to Jacob. All he knew was that the person jumping up in the window was not Terry O'Quinn. This means the eye was indeed Jacob's. Sorry for holding out on you all for so long. To quote Locke, "I was wrong."
END RESULT: +40 for Christian
1) Locke gets Last on Screen points. I had to watch this scene online to get the widescreen view that shows Locke along with Ben in the last shot. I went back and watched the first and last scenes for all the other episodes just to check if anyone else may have been cut off by my fullscreen TV set.
END RESULT: +10 for Locke
1) Sayid gets Last on Screen points. While Ben is clearly in the foreground of the final shot of the episode, there is enough of Sayid in the frame for him to pick up the points. This is another case of spotting something in the widescreen presentation.
END RESULT: +10 for Sayid
1) Sayid shares Last on Screen points with Desmond. Again, I had to view the widescreen version of the episode online to catch a glimpse of Sayid as the last on screen.
END RESULT: +10 for Sayid
1) Jack gets points for discovering a new person. Damon and Carlton said in one of their podcasts that Harper was not the Smoke Monster or an Island vision. She was the real Harper. We took away Smokey points from Jack and Juliet, but Jack should have rebounded by picking up points for discovering Harper. Juliet had pulled ahead of Jack and by the time Jack caught up with her, she was talking to Harper. Since Jack happened across her, he gets discovery points.
END RESULT: +20 for Jack
2) Juliet gets points for hearing the Whispers. Later in the episode, Juliet is approaching the Tempest station and there is a very faint, one-line whisper. Several of you requested that I go back and examine this scene. Lostpedia may have listed it as a Whisper, but the LFL does not use Lostpedia as our scoring guide. I turned my TV's closed captioning system on and it did say there was a whisper at that point. It's debateable as to whether or not Juliet even heard it or reacted to it, but because she was on screen and concious at the time it happened, we're giving her the points.
END RESULT: +30 for Juliet
1) The episode is ruled as being Oceanic 6 centric. While Hurley, Sun and Jack had specific flashforwards in the episode, the first two were generic, O6-centric FF's. Since all members of the O6 were present in each of the two generic FF's, all of them get FF and Centricity points. Since centricity is awarded, no "Appears in Someone Else's FF" points are awarded for any of the O6.
Since the O6 is given centricity, Mr. Paik and Nadia only receive one dose of "Appears in..." points, even though they pop up more than once during the episode. This was a slightly technical ruling that actually made the scoring for the episode easier for a change. :-)
2) Hurley does NOT get Whispers points. Yes, he heard whispers in his house, but not THE Whispers. The whispering was from the guests at his surprise party.
Being Oceanic 6 centric, the episode highly favored the League Characters who are already scoring very well this year. Those of you with Locke, Sawyer, Desmond and Jin don't have much hope left, but this was 95% fun and 5% competitive anyway, right?
Here is this week's detailed points breakdown:
Group 1-
KATE (+90): Attendance (+5); Centricity (+25); Flashforward (+20); Kisses Aaron (+20); Kisses Hurley (+20)
JACK (+80): Attendance (+5); Centricity (+25); Flashforward (+20); Gets Kissed- His mom kisses him at the airport (+20); Gets Hurt- tears his stitches open and bleeds (-10); Encounters the Numbers- On the helicopter (+20)
SAWYER (+25): Attendance (+5); Encounters the Numbers- On the helicopter (+20)
BEN (+15): Attendance (+5); Visits a DHARMA Location- The Orchid (+5); Last Line (+5); Gets Hurt- Knocked out by Keamy (-10); Last on Screen (+10)
LOCKE (+10): Attendance (+5); Visits a DHARMA Location- The Orchid (+5)
Group 2-
SAYID (+105): Attendance (+5); First Person on Screen (+15); Centricity (+25); Flashforward (+20); Kisses/Gets Kissed by Mrs. Reyes (+20); Kisses Nadia (+20)
HURLEY (+95): Attendance (+5); Centricity (+25); Flashforward (+20); Kisses Kate (+20); Uses the Numbers (+20); Visits a DHARMA Location- The Orchid (+5)
DESMOND (+5): Attendance (+5)
JULIET (+5): Attendance (+5)
MICHAEL (+5): Attendance (+5)
Group 3-
SUN (+50): Attendance (+5); Centricity (+25); Flashforward (+20)
JIN (+5): Attendance (+5)
CLAIRE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
JACOB (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
ROUSSEAU (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 4-
ROSE (+5): Attendance (+5)
ALEX (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
BERNARD (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
KARL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
WALT (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 5-
AARON (+85): Attendance (+5); First Person on Screen (+15); Centricity (+25); Flashforward (+20); Gets Kissed by Kate (+20)
RICHARD (+5): Attendance (+5)
CINDY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
MARVIN CANDLE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
PENNY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 6-
ETHAN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
LIBBY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
MS. HAWKING (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
RACHEL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
WIDMORE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 7-
NADIA (+50): Attendance (+5); Appears in Someone Else's Flashforward (+25); Kisses Sayid (+20)
CHRISTIAN (+30): Attendance (+5); Appears in Someone Else's Flashforward (+25)
MR. PAIK (+30): Attendance (+5); Appears in Someone Else's Flashforward (+25)
KELVIN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
KEVIN CALISS (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
There were two Geniuses of the Week this week and they both earned a whopping 350 points! That's more in one week than some of our contestants have managed all season! So, congratulations to the following:
-lisea85: Jack, Hurley, Sun, Walt, Aaron, Rachel, Nadia
-MsKimPossible: Jack, Hurley, Sun Alex, Aaron, Libby, Nadia
Who will be our final Fantasy Genius(es) of the Week after the final episode? Find out once "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 and 3" have aired!

Now currently, there is a three-way tie for first place. With glorious prizes to be awarded for first, second and third place, we would need to break this tie if it stands. Like Benjamin Linus, DarkUFO and I have a plan. If you listened to last week's ODI podcast, then you'll know what our tie-breaking procedure will be. Otherwise, you'll find out what the process is if and when we need to use it.
So, one more episode left for the season! It's sure to be awesome. I'm expecting to see more multi-focused flashbacks/flashforwards. There will probably be a few for some of our Island dwellers that weren't covered this past week and probably a few more for the Oceanic 6. We've been promised an exciting two-hour treat and a cliffhanger that will leave us begging for more, and I think it will be everything we're hoping for.
Of course, you'll need to check back in with DarkUFO frequently during the off-season hiatus, as Dark will have yet another onslaught of fun tournaments and awards to act as Hiatus withdrawal relief. And there will also be sign-ups for the Season 5 DarkUFO Lost Fantasy League in June! If you missed out this past season, stay tuned to get your picks in for what we're hoping will be a bigger and better LFL!
I'll see you in two weeks!