Here is the latest Prediction Table following last nights episode. We now have joint leaders.
One new predication was answered last night.
In what episode will we see Smokey again?
26 People guessed this correctly - (30 points)
And after last nights bloodbath, we have the following running totals.
Running Total Count
How many deaths will happen in Season 4? 14 so far (Elsa, Golf Man, Naomi, Minkowski, Regina, Karl,Danielle,Alex, 3 Red Shirts, Doc Ray, Bakir, 1 Mercenary) (only 123 people have selected 14 or more deaths for the season!)
How many episodes next year will contain flash forwards? 5 so far
How many episodes will be Jack Centric? 0 so far
How many episodes will be Ben Centric? 1 so far
How many episodes will both Rose and Bernard be in? 2 So far
How many episodes will we see Vincent? 4 So far
How are your Predictions looking?
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