Mastodon Attention, 'Lost' theorists | LOST

DarkUFO - Lost

Thanks to Jason for the heads up on this. Good luck with your submissions.

Here's your chance to have your hypothesis graded by the experts – Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, executive producers of the ABC drama (returning April 24, 10 p.m. ET/PT). In 200 words or less, give us your explanation of any or all of the myriad mysteries: the island, the survivors of Flight 815, The Others, Dharma and any of the other baffling questions that have made Lost TV's top brain-teaser.

USA TODAY will publish some of the best contributions, online and in print — and forward a handful to the Lost braintrust who will evaluate them for originality, completeness, logic, etc., without spoiling future episodes by indicating if your theory is right, wrong or really wrong. (Disclaimer: No real Lost secrets will harmed in this process.)

Follow these rules — or else your e-mail will be eaten by the smoke monster:

•E-mail your masterpiece to by Wednesday, April 16 at 5 p.m. ET

•Please include your contact information: Full name, city, and a phone number where you can be reached for confirmation

•Keep it to 200 words or less

•Use the subject line "Lost theory"
Source: USA Today

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