Here is the latest Prediction Table following last nights episode. Maskdmirag is still in the lead but it's getting very close.
Two new predications were answered last night.
In what episode will we see first see Walt?
51 People guessed this correctly - (30 points)
Will we see Libby again this Season?
683 People guessed this correctly - (10 points)
Running Total Count
How many deaths will happen in Season 4? 6 so far (Elsa, Golf Man, Naomi, Minkowski, Regina, Karl)
How many episodes next year will contain flash forwards? 4 so far
How many episodes will be Jack Centric? 0 so far
How many episodes will be Ben Centric? 0 so far
How many episodes will both Rose and Bernard be in? 1 So far
How many episodes will we see Vincent? 3 So far
Note: We counted Karl as a death as Danielle confirmed him dead. Danielle is still unconfirmed so she has not been deemed dead yet. Obviously if this changes we will update.
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