Mastodon The Lost Prediction League - Week 5 | LOST

DarkUFO - Lost

Quite a few new points were handed out this episode but masjdmirag is still in first place.

Points awarded this episode

Will we see Charles Widmore again in Season 4 - 10 Points
Yes - EPISODE 5 (851 People Predicted this correctly)

In what episode will Desmond has his next "Flash" - 30 Points
Yes - EPISODE 5 (72 People Predicated this correctly)

In what episode will we first see The Black Rock? - 30 Points

Yes - EPISODE 5 (58 People Predicted this correctly)

We also had another death in this episode making it 4 so far (Elsa, Golf Man, Naomi, Minkowski). This already puts 181 people out of the running for points here and the 142 of you who picked 4 deaths for the season better hope that everyone stays fit and healthy :)

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