Hard to believe we're at Week 7 already, isn't it?!? The bad news is that this episode was only helpful to a few characters and very harsh for Sawyer. The good news is we're that much closer to the start of Season 4!
This week's episode is "The Glass Ballerina" from Season 3. A good bit of action happens here, so be sure to check out each of the sections below. Once again, some points rulings were made that will affect future episodes.
Before the start of Season 4 though, DarkUFO and I will have created our official rule book for the LFL. We'll make it available to all of you so you can get a better idea for how your team will do each week before I post the Fantasy Updates.
Well let's get to it! Watch the video, read the sections, but most importantly- enjoy yourself! This is, after all, just for fun. Leave us a comment of drop an email to
“The Glass Ballerina” (in 500 words or less)
Sun is still pregnant and still hanging around on the sailboat with Jin and Sayid. They are still lighting fires in the hope that Jack, Kate and Sawyer will find them, even though we know they were kidnapped by the Others 2 episodes ago. Kind of reminds you of the start of Season 2 where everyone being worried about the Others coming to get them suddenly stopped making sense.
Sayid wants to keep lighting fires, so they sail a little farther, discovering the Pala Ferry, from which the Big Three recently departed. Sayid lies a lot about the dock being old and unused and also about wanting Jack to see their smoke signals. Sun realizes he’s lying but decides to lie to her husband because what Sayid wants to do might be their best chance of saving the Big Three.
In true Lost fashion, Jin knows that both of them are lying and knows English better than anyone realizes. The prevarication party comes to a close and they ready themselves for an attempt at catching a few Others. Jin and Sayid hang out in the jungle while Sun stays on the boat.
Instead of waltzing into the trap, the Others proceed directly to Go and collect $200. Sun faces off with an Other who succeeds at playing This Is Your Life but fails miserably at Not Getting Shot. Sun is great at this game though, as she gets off the boat with nary a scratch. Jin swims out to get her and they kiss. Having devised yet another plan that goes all wrong, Sayid is looking like the perfect replacement for Jack.
The B-Plot features a whole lot of Hydra. Sawyer gets treated more like a piñata than a human being as he and Kate are forced to move rocks and take orders from Pickett. Ben is jealous of Jack because Juliet never made him soup, but Ben blows Jack’s mind by showing him a glimpse of home. He promises to take Jack home if he cooperates.
The flashbacks show that Sun is capable of lying and being a cheating little tramp but Big Bad Asian Dad is always in the know. Always. Jin is assigned to kill the man sleeping with his wife, but he can’t. Oh, he beats the crap out of the guy, but he can’t kill him. No problem, the guy is so grief-stricken that he does Jin’s job for him and high dives onto the hood of Jin’s car.
1. Sun’s flashbacks are considered a “Montage Flashback.” Her first flashback merely shows that she is capable of lying. The events in this first flashback do not come up again during the rest of the episode; therefore it is considered a separate flashback from the linear narrative she shares with Jin during the episode.
2. Sun and Jin both get centricity points. To get centricity points in episodes where flashbacks are shared between characters, a minimum of two flashbacks are required. Both Sun and Jin met this requirement.
3. Mr. Paik gets credit for appearing in 2 of Sun’s flashbacks. Because of the non-linear style of Sun’s montage flashback, Mr. Paik earns appearance points for showing up in the first flashback where Sun is a little girl and also for her adult flashbacks.
4. Mr. Paik also gets points for appearing in Jin’s flashbacks. Because he did not appear in a flashback where Sun and Jin were both present, Paik earns points for appearing in both Sun’s and Jin’s individual flashbacks. Had he appeared in a flashback shared by both Sun and Jin, he’d have only scored points once and not for both characters.
5. The Pala Ferry is considered a DHARMA location. We didn’t find out until much later in the season that it was for sure, but common sense told us that it was safe to assume it was DHARMA. It does NOT count as a DHARMA station though, so Sun, Jin and Sayid do not get points for discovering a DHARMA station.
6. Sun and Mr. Paik do not get credit for encountering the Numbers. Sun and Paik appear in Jae Lee’s apartment, which we later find out is room #1516. Numbers points are not awarded retroactively. We have to see the characters with the Numbers in order for them to get points. Only Jin gets Numbers points because we see him with the Numbers.
7. Alex does NOT get points for visiting a DHARMA location by appearing on Hydra Island. We did not know until later that she was not supposed to be on the Island at all.
8. Neither Kate nor Alex get points for discovering a new person for meeting each other. Alex knew Kate and Sawyer were there and she sought Kate out. No points.
9. Kate does not lose points for being held at gunpoint by Juliet. The physical contact is minimal and there is no struggle. Also, unlike Sayid having a gun thrust into his neck, Juliet merely points the gun at Kate. Not enough struggle and contact to merit a deduction.
10. Getting shot at does not incur an injury deduction unless you are actually hit by a bullet. Sun, Jin and Sayid are all shot at during the episode, but no one is hit. It is a moment of intense peril, but no harm is caused to any of them.
11. Sun only loses points for injuring Colleen. Colleen didn’t die until a later episode and it is common knowledge that you don’t die instantly from a gut shot.
Group 1-
JACK (+15): Attendance (+5); Last Person on Screen (+10)
KATE (+15): Attendance (+5); Gets Kissed by Sawyer (+20); Gets Hurt- Thrown into her cage (-10)
BEN (+5): Attendance (+5); Last Line in Episode (+5)
LOCKE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
SAWYER (-35): Attendance (+5); Gets Hurt- Zapped by Pickett (-10); Kisses Kate (+20); Gets Hurt- Hit over the head by Pickett (-10); Hurts Somebody- Punches Pickett (-5); Hurts Somebody- Punches an Other (-5); Gets Hurt- Punched by another Other (-10); Gets Hurt- Zapped by Pickett (-10); Gets Hurt- Thrown into his cage (-10)
Group 2-
SAYID (+30): Attendance (+5); Discovers a New Place- The Pala Ferry (+20); Visits a DHARMA Location- The Pala Ferry (+5)
JULIET (+5): Attendance (+5)
DESMOND (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
HURLEY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
MICHAEL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 3-
SUN (+130): Attendance (+5); Episode Centricity (+25); Montage Flashback (+10); First Person on Screen (+15); Has Sex (+15); Gets Kissed by Jae Lee (+20); Discovers a New Place- The Pala Ferry (+20); Visits a DHARMA Location- The Pala Ferry (+5); Hurts Somebody- Shoots Colleen (-5); Gets Kissed by Jin (+20)
JIN (+105): Attendance (+5); Off-Island Flashback (+15); Episode Centricity (+25); Discovers a New Place- The Pala Ferry (+20); Visits a DHARMA Location (+5); Encounters the Numbers- Jae Lee’s Apartment (+20); Hurts Somebody- Beats up Jae Lee (-5); Kisses Sun (+20)
CLAIRE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
JACOB (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
ROUSSEAU (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 4-
ALEX (+5): Attendance (+5)
BERNARD (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
KARL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
ROSE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
WALT (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 5-
AARON (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
CINDY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
MARVIN CANDLE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
PENNY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
RICHARD (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 6-
ETHAN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
LIBBY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
MS. HAWKING (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
RACHEL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
WIDMORE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 7-
MR. PAIK (+60): Attendance (+5); First Line in Episode (+10); Appear in Some Else’s Flashback- Sun as a child (+15); Appears in Someone Else’s Flashback- Sun as an adult (+15); Appears in Someone Else’s Flashback- Jin (+15)
CHRISTIAN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
KELVIN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
KEVIN CALISS (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
NADIA (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
We only had two Geniuses of the Week and they each used slightly different character combinations to get there:
kaiodelnorte's team consisted of: Jack, Sayid, Sun, Alex, Richard, Libby and Mr. Paik
zonadigital26's team consisted of: Kate, Sayid, Sun, Alex, Penny, Libby and Mr. Paik
Both contestants came out of the episode with a whopping 230 points. Congratulations!
Scoring Chart

Character Groups

Top 20 List

Celebrity Table

Full Points Table

In this episode, Claire remembers fragments of her time in captivity. Determined to figure out what it all means, she decides to trek through the jungle and find the mysterious facility the Others held her at for nearly two weeks. At the same time, Jack and Locke are at odds over what to do with their prisoner.
Will this Claire-centric episode have any effect on our leader board? There’s only one way to find out- check back on January 24th for the Hiatus League grand finale, coming to you just one week before the start of Season 4!