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Lost Season 3 DVD

I got mine. And it was like... well, I will try to say in this post. And I will try to put the whole stuff online (probably on YouTube) as soon as possible.
First, some people asked me about what was said by Evie in the glass scene. Well, Evie said, basically, that "the glass is invisible, and distorted things, giving you a sense of intimacy that its NOT THERE". Period. The whole commentary-stuff was a love declaration to Skate, from Josh, and most from Evie and Carlton.
Enough is anough.
And I won´t tell anything more about "I Do". I just refuse myself to keep with this shit. Enough said.
The Extras on the DVD
I will give details only about those things that I thought was worth it. Basically, those with Foxy-Jack on it.
I have to say first that this one was the most Foxyless/Jackless DVD-box of all 3 boxes. Almost none if you compare with Season 1 and 2. And that made me pretty much annoyed.
Secondly, my english sucks. Totally. So, just ignore all the errors, ok!
So, lets move on.
All the extras are:
- Lost Book Club (Some stuff about all the books references on Lost. Damon, Carlton and some actors like Josh Holloway, Elizabeth Mitchell, Michael Emerson and Henry Ian Cusack talk about their characters and "their" books on the show)
- Creating the toys of Todd McFarlane (how the toys were made, with all the computer stuff to copy the actors characteristics)
- The Next Level: inside the videogame (some nice stuff about Lost - the game)
- Lost On Location: Really nice stuff. Season 3 locations where were flimed:
*The Glass Ballerina
*Every Man For Himself
*Not In Portland (details below)
*Flashes Before Your Eyes
*Tricia Tanaka is Dead
*The Man From Talahasse
*The Man Behind The Curtain
*Greatest Hits
*Throught The Looking Glass (details below)
- Crew Tribute With Evangeline Lilly (Evies tribute to the Lost crew. She walks arounf the sets, introducing the whole people who works behind the cameras)
- Lost in a Day (Very interesting stuff. We see all the hard work that Lost cast and crew can do only in one day. They worked on 7 different episodes!)
- The World Of The Others (Producers and actors talking about "The Others" and how they were the central plot of Season 3)
- Terry O'Quinn - "Throwing From The Handle" (Terry talking about some action scenes that he played as "John Locke".)
- Blooper Real (details below)
- The Lost Flashbacks (Scenes that were never showed before)
*Furthers Instructions: "Locke Escapes"
*The Glass Ballerina: "Funeral Scene"
*Exposé: "People Can Change"
- Deleted Scenes (Details of all deleted scenes below)
* A Tale Of Two Cities: "Doctor to the rescue"
* Further Instructions: "Introducing Nikki and Paolo"
* Further Instructions: "Sex Talk"
* The Glass Ballerina: "Breaking Rocks"
* I Do: "Alex and Daddy"
* Flashes Before Your Eyes: "Super-powers, dude!"
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Charlie Carries On"
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Changing Our Luck"
* The Man Behind the Courtain: "The Journey to Jacob´s Place"
Lost On Location: Foxy comments on NIP and TTLG
--> Not In Portland: Matt says that the work on the scenes that Jack is operating on Ben was very intense and all the actors were very focused.
Elizabeth Michell says that her and Foxy were obssesed with all the details, that they wanted to know all stuff about the surgery, wich objects they were going to use, to make the scene very real.
Carlton Cuse: "Jack sacrifaces his own freedom to help Kate and Sawyer to escape".
Foxy tells he thinks that Jack made a very noble gesture by letting them go.
Evangeline Lilly was happy that Kate was finally on the run with Sawyer.
PS: before people ask, no, not even a single word about the "walkie-talkie" scene.
--> Through the Looking Glass (aka - by me - "The Jack Show Episode" hee) : Foxy starts saying that film the Flash Forward was incredibly intense. That Jack is such a mess in the future, that he is about to lose his mind, and that was really tough for him to play Jack like that.
The director Jack Bender says that Jack has nothing left in this episode, and that Matthew is an actor that really commits body and soul to the story that he is telling, and that he really put himself in to it.
Foxy tells he doesnt know if he had ever got so tired like the way he was during the time he was filming the Season Finale. He says that was an incredible and hard 3 weeks of shooting.
Bender: "In the island we see Jack more strong, more commited with his 'Come on tribe, we are going to the mountain top" Moses style.
We see how they shoot that scene with Jack beating Ben.
Carlton says that the questions after the Season 3 Finale are: "How they got rescued?", "What means the contact that Jack made with this boat?" and "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?", and Damon adds that these are all the things they will explore on Season 4.
PS2: No, nothing about the "I love you", or the FF scene, or any Jack/Kate scene.
One of the best things on the DVD, as always. So fucking fun! Dom and Naveen are the best thing about the bloopers. They were just hilarious.
There are 3 Jack/Foxy bloopers (I know that the way I will tell the bloopers may not sounds as funny as actually are, but be patience, I will put the videos on as soon as I can):
--> From "Greates Hits": Jack is talking with Juliet, asking about the Looking Glass station, and he starts to laugh and then Elizabeth Mitchell follows his laugh.
--> From "Through The Looking Glass": Jack is talking with Sayid about the radio and then suddenly Naveen just start to crack and make jokes about the scene, and Foxy cracks too.
--> From "Catch 22": Sawyer is asking Jack about his "backhand" (in front of Juliets tent, right before the ping-pong game), and then Foxy stops because he can´t remember what he is supposed to say. Then he remains in silence and starts to look back and forth, from Josh to Elizabeth, and them him and Josh start to laugh and Foxy grabs Josh (So freaking cute!).
* A Tale Of Two Cities: "Doctor to the rescue"
The Jack-back scene that was cut from TOTC. She saves the blondie little girl that was suffocating at the playground. This scene starts with Jack inside his car in front of a school, looking at Sarah. Its the sequency of this scene.
After he saved the girl, he looks at Sarah, who is staring at him with disgust. She seems totally annoyed by his presence. Jack is totally shy, kind of embarassed on this scene. He smiles at her and tells that he was going to the hospital but he thought that would be ok stop by to see her. She looks at him with that cold look that he use to glance him every once and awhile, and tells him just to sign the divorce papers.
Once and again, Sarah is breaking Jack´s heart. I'm kind of glad they cut that scene.
She walks away and the little girl tells Jack to not trust Sarah.
* Further Instructions: "Introducing Nikki and Paolo"
This is another scene that I'm glad they cut from the original episode.
Its the scene introducing Nikki and Paolo. How that happens: Claire is taking care of Aaron when she hears some weird noises coming from Jacks tent. She starts to call Jack's name, and when she opens the tent she sees Pikki having sex there.
* Further Instructions: "Sex Talk"
The sequency of the "Pikki's sex scene". Nikki goes talk to Claire, to ask sorry about what she just saw.
* The Glass Ballerina: "Breaking Rocks"
Sawyer and Kate breaking rocks during their time on Alcatraz. Pickett come to Sawyer and asks him if he knows why he is breaking rocks. Sawyer says "no", and Pickett says that its for a "runaway". They start a little arg and Pickett tells him that the only reason why he is still alive is because Ben needs him alive.
* I Do: "Alex and Daddy"
Pickett took Alex to see Ben. Ben asked him to leave Sawyer alone, that he needs Pickett's word that he wont do anything with Sawyer. Pickett agrees and then Ben tells him to leave.
Ben says to Alex that Karl is not dead, that he is locked, because he needs to learn to do what he is told to.
They start to fight and Alex tells Ben that she hates him and wish he was dead. Then Ben tells her about his tumor.
* Flashes Before Your Eyes: "Super-powers, dude!"
Locke is fishing and Hurley is near him. Suddenly, he asks Locke if he has superpowers. Locke stares confused at him, and then Hurley starts to talk about super-heroes, like Flash (that got his powers after beein reached by a lightning), and all the strange things that happened with them on the island, like the sky turning purple, the earthquake. That he thinks that might be some kind of radiation and asks Locke what happened when the hatch exploded.
Locke says he woke up in the jungle with a bad headache and no voice. Then Hurley asks him about Desmond. Locke says he saw Desmond running through the jungle.
Hurley tells him that Desmond can see the future. Locke tells he doesnt want to know about what is going to happen in the future. Hurley asks why, and he answers that he might not like what he is gonna find out.
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Charlie Carries On"
Charlie is chopping wood, and Kate comes in. She asks him if he is going to keep working on the church. She says that Sayid told her about what happened with Eko. Kate notes that Charlie is a little bit distracted and asks him if he is ok. He says he is, and asks her if she is going to leave again. She answers "Yes" and invites him to join her. Charlie says he would love to, but he has some other stuff to do.
She kisses him on the cheek and leaves.
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Changing Our Luck"
Hurley and Sawyer talking. Sawyer asks Hurley if he was serious about what he said earlier, about fixing the van, turn things around and change their luck. Hurley says he was. Charlie comes and "thanks Hurley for slapping" him, and they start to laugh.
* The Man Behind the Courtain: "The Journey to Jacob´s Place"
Ben is taking Locke to see Jacob. Locke asks Ben if he was bothered because Alex gave him a gun. Ben says that Alex is just a teenager, that she is going through a "rebel fase".
Locke wonders what is gonna happen when she find out that she is not Ben's daughter. He says to Ben that he knows Alex is Rosseau's daughter and that he kidnapped her when she was a baby.
Ben args that he didn't kidnapped Alex, that he "just took her to rises her".
Locke asks why he told her that her mother was dead then. Ben says he did it because Rosseau is a lunatic who killed her own crew and spent the last 16 years sleeping in ditches. Ben tells Locke to imagine how great his childhood could had beein if he had no idea about who his parents were.
Wow... I think that´s it. I hope that helps you guys that are still waiting to buy the DVDs.
I will post the videos soon.
See you in another life... Or not.
I got mine. And it was like... well, I will try to say in this post. And I will try to put the whole stuff online (probably on YouTube) as soon as possible.
First, some people asked me about what was said by Evie in the glass scene. Well, Evie said, basically, that "the glass is invisible, and distorted things, giving you a sense of intimacy that its NOT THERE". Period. The whole commentary-stuff was a love declaration to Skate, from Josh, and most from Evie and Carlton.
Enough is anough.
And I won´t tell anything more about "I Do". I just refuse myself to keep with this shit. Enough said.
The Extras on the DVD
I will give details only about those things that I thought was worth it. Basically, those with Foxy-Jack on it.
I have to say first that this one was the most Foxyless/Jackless DVD-box of all 3 boxes. Almost none if you compare with Season 1 and 2. And that made me pretty much annoyed.
Secondly, my english sucks. Totally. So, just ignore all the errors, ok!
So, lets move on.
All the extras are:
- Lost Book Club (Some stuff about all the books references on Lost. Damon, Carlton and some actors like Josh Holloway, Elizabeth Mitchell, Michael Emerson and Henry Ian Cusack talk about their characters and "their" books on the show)
- Creating the toys of Todd McFarlane (how the toys were made, with all the computer stuff to copy the actors characteristics)
- The Next Level: inside the videogame (some nice stuff about Lost - the game)
- Lost On Location: Really nice stuff. Season 3 locations where were flimed:
*The Glass Ballerina
*Every Man For Himself
*Not In Portland (details below)
*Flashes Before Your Eyes
*Tricia Tanaka is Dead
*The Man From Talahasse
*The Man Behind The Curtain
*Greatest Hits
*Throught The Looking Glass (details below)
- Crew Tribute With Evangeline Lilly (Evies tribute to the Lost crew. She walks arounf the sets, introducing the whole people who works behind the cameras)
- Lost in a Day (Very interesting stuff. We see all the hard work that Lost cast and crew can do only in one day. They worked on 7 different episodes!)
- The World Of The Others (Producers and actors talking about "The Others" and how they were the central plot of Season 3)
- Terry O'Quinn - "Throwing From The Handle" (Terry talking about some action scenes that he played as "John Locke".)
- Blooper Real (details below)
- The Lost Flashbacks (Scenes that were never showed before)
*Furthers Instructions: "Locke Escapes"
*The Glass Ballerina: "Funeral Scene"
*Exposé: "People Can Change"
- Deleted Scenes (Details of all deleted scenes below)
* A Tale Of Two Cities: "Doctor to the rescue"
* Further Instructions: "Introducing Nikki and Paolo"
* Further Instructions: "Sex Talk"
* The Glass Ballerina: "Breaking Rocks"
* I Do: "Alex and Daddy"
* Flashes Before Your Eyes: "Super-powers, dude!"
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Charlie Carries On"
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Changing Our Luck"
* The Man Behind the Courtain: "The Journey to Jacob´s Place"
Lost On Location: Foxy comments on NIP and TTLG
--> Not In Portland: Matt says that the work on the scenes that Jack is operating on Ben was very intense and all the actors were very focused.
Elizabeth Michell says that her and Foxy were obssesed with all the details, that they wanted to know all stuff about the surgery, wich objects they were going to use, to make the scene very real.
Carlton Cuse: "Jack sacrifaces his own freedom to help Kate and Sawyer to escape".
Foxy tells he thinks that Jack made a very noble gesture by letting them go.
Evangeline Lilly was happy that Kate was finally on the run with Sawyer.
PS: before people ask, no, not even a single word about the "walkie-talkie" scene.
--> Through the Looking Glass (aka - by me - "The Jack Show Episode" hee) : Foxy starts saying that film the Flash Forward was incredibly intense. That Jack is such a mess in the future, that he is about to lose his mind, and that was really tough for him to play Jack like that.
The director Jack Bender says that Jack has nothing left in this episode, and that Matthew is an actor that really commits body and soul to the story that he is telling, and that he really put himself in to it.
Foxy tells he doesnt know if he had ever got so tired like the way he was during the time he was filming the Season Finale. He says that was an incredible and hard 3 weeks of shooting.
Bender: "In the island we see Jack more strong, more commited with his 'Come on tribe, we are going to the mountain top" Moses style.
We see how they shoot that scene with Jack beating Ben.
Carlton says that the questions after the Season 3 Finale are: "How they got rescued?", "What means the contact that Jack made with this boat?" and "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?", and Damon adds that these are all the things they will explore on Season 4.
PS2: No, nothing about the "I love you", or the FF scene, or any Jack/Kate scene.
One of the best things on the DVD, as always. So fucking fun! Dom and Naveen are the best thing about the bloopers. They were just hilarious.
There are 3 Jack/Foxy bloopers (I know that the way I will tell the bloopers may not sounds as funny as actually are, but be patience, I will put the videos on as soon as I can):
--> From "Greates Hits": Jack is talking with Juliet, asking about the Looking Glass station, and he starts to laugh and then Elizabeth Mitchell follows his laugh.
--> From "Through The Looking Glass": Jack is talking with Sayid about the radio and then suddenly Naveen just start to crack and make jokes about the scene, and Foxy cracks too.
--> From "Catch 22": Sawyer is asking Jack about his "backhand" (in front of Juliets tent, right before the ping-pong game), and then Foxy stops because he can´t remember what he is supposed to say. Then he remains in silence and starts to look back and forth, from Josh to Elizabeth, and them him and Josh start to laugh and Foxy grabs Josh (So freaking cute!).
* A Tale Of Two Cities: "Doctor to the rescue"
The Jack-back scene that was cut from TOTC. She saves the blondie little girl that was suffocating at the playground. This scene starts with Jack inside his car in front of a school, looking at Sarah. Its the sequency of this scene.
After he saved the girl, he looks at Sarah, who is staring at him with disgust. She seems totally annoyed by his presence. Jack is totally shy, kind of embarassed on this scene. He smiles at her and tells that he was going to the hospital but he thought that would be ok stop by to see her. She looks at him with that cold look that he use to glance him every once and awhile, and tells him just to sign the divorce papers.
Once and again, Sarah is breaking Jack´s heart. I'm kind of glad they cut that scene.
She walks away and the little girl tells Jack to not trust Sarah.
* Further Instructions: "Introducing Nikki and Paolo"
This is another scene that I'm glad they cut from the original episode.
Its the scene introducing Nikki and Paolo. How that happens: Claire is taking care of Aaron when she hears some weird noises coming from Jacks tent. She starts to call Jack's name, and when she opens the tent she sees Pikki having sex there.
* Further Instructions: "Sex Talk"
The sequency of the "Pikki's sex scene". Nikki goes talk to Claire, to ask sorry about what she just saw.
* The Glass Ballerina: "Breaking Rocks"
Sawyer and Kate breaking rocks during their time on Alcatraz. Pickett come to Sawyer and asks him if he knows why he is breaking rocks. Sawyer says "no", and Pickett says that its for a "runaway". They start a little arg and Pickett tells him that the only reason why he is still alive is because Ben needs him alive.
* I Do: "Alex and Daddy"
Pickett took Alex to see Ben. Ben asked him to leave Sawyer alone, that he needs Pickett's word that he wont do anything with Sawyer. Pickett agrees and then Ben tells him to leave.
Ben says to Alex that Karl is not dead, that he is locked, because he needs to learn to do what he is told to.
They start to fight and Alex tells Ben that she hates him and wish he was dead. Then Ben tells her about his tumor.
* Flashes Before Your Eyes: "Super-powers, dude!"
Locke is fishing and Hurley is near him. Suddenly, he asks Locke if he has superpowers. Locke stares confused at him, and then Hurley starts to talk about super-heroes, like Flash (that got his powers after beein reached by a lightning), and all the strange things that happened with them on the island, like the sky turning purple, the earthquake. That he thinks that might be some kind of radiation and asks Locke what happened when the hatch exploded.
Locke says he woke up in the jungle with a bad headache and no voice. Then Hurley asks him about Desmond. Locke says he saw Desmond running through the jungle.
Hurley tells him that Desmond can see the future. Locke tells he doesnt want to know about what is going to happen in the future. Hurley asks why, and he answers that he might not like what he is gonna find out.
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Charlie Carries On"
Charlie is chopping wood, and Kate comes in. She asks him if he is going to keep working on the church. She says that Sayid told her about what happened with Eko. Kate notes that Charlie is a little bit distracted and asks him if he is ok. He says he is, and asks her if she is going to leave again. She answers "Yes" and invites him to join her. Charlie says he would love to, but he has some other stuff to do.
She kisses him on the cheek and leaves.
* Tricia Tanaka is Dead: "Changing Our Luck"
Hurley and Sawyer talking. Sawyer asks Hurley if he was serious about what he said earlier, about fixing the van, turn things around and change their luck. Hurley says he was. Charlie comes and "thanks Hurley for slapping" him, and they start to laugh.
* The Man Behind the Courtain: "The Journey to Jacob´s Place"
Ben is taking Locke to see Jacob. Locke asks Ben if he was bothered because Alex gave him a gun. Ben says that Alex is just a teenager, that she is going through a "rebel fase".
Locke wonders what is gonna happen when she find out that she is not Ben's daughter. He says to Ben that he knows Alex is Rosseau's daughter and that he kidnapped her when she was a baby.
Ben args that he didn't kidnapped Alex, that he "just took her to rises her".
Locke asks why he told her that her mother was dead then. Ben says he did it because Rosseau is a lunatic who killed her own crew and spent the last 16 years sleeping in ditches. Ben tells Locke to imagine how great his childhood could had beein if he had no idea about who his parents were.
Wow... I think that´s it. I hope that helps you guys that are still waiting to buy the DVDs.
I will post the videos soon.
See you in another life... Or not.
Source: Lulinha Live Journal