Welcome to DarkUFO, one of the most popular Lost sites on the net! We hope to have everything that a Lost fan wants: Spoilers, Theories, Screencaps, Recaps, Contests and lots of other great things to keep a dedicated Lost fan occupied. Please have a look around, post a comment, and interact with other Lost fans. Have fun, and namaste!
Congratulations to Ms. Hawking and Leonard Simms, two of the most popular characters in our prelim tournament. They have earned the final 2 open spots in the main tournament.
Speaking of the main tournament, IT'S HERE!! That's right- after two weeks of preliminary action today is the start of the 64-character, single-elimination Character Cup tournament! My non-virtual hat has made it's picks, and although it looks like the first round will be more or less controversy-free, there are a few matchups that ought to spark some good discussion.
Now's the time to rant and rave about the merits of your favorite character! Is Desmond your dude? Think Claire's a cutie? Or perhaps you've got a sweet spot for Sawyer? Let us all know what you think of these characters as we fight our way to the finish!
The first two matchups pit Lost veterans against relative newcomers, featuring a fan favorite or two as a bonus. Cast your votes and talk up your favorites.
Hugo “Hurley” Reyes Status: Lostie (Alive) Hurley was once a patient at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, where he first heard The Numbers from Leonard Simms, which he used to play the lottery, winning millions. Since the crash of Flight 815, Hurley has helped around camp, had a brief relationship with Libby, ‘built’ a golf course, and tries to keep everyone in good spirits. Full Profile
Naomi Dorrit Status: Misc. (Deceased) Naomi parachuted on to the Island when her helicopter failed. She was part of the crew from the mysterious freighter offshore. Desmond, Jin, Hurley and Charlie helped nurse her back to health. Naomi had a satellite phone, which Jack used to contact her ship. She was killed at the radio tower when John Locke threw a knife in her back. Full Profile
US Marshal Edward Mars Status: Flashback Character (Deceased) Edward was the US Marshal assigned to track down and arrest Kate Austen after she murdered her biological father. After her initial escape from him, Mars spent many months playing cat and mouse with Kate. When Ray Mullen reported Kate to authorities in Australia, Mars finally arrested her. He was injured when Flight 815 crashed and was euthanized by Jack. Full Profile
Mikhail Bakunin Status: Other (Deceased) Once a Soviet soldier, Mikhail was recruited to the Island, where he became the operator of the Flame station for the Others, gathering information on anything they needed from the outside world. He was captured by the Losties when they found the Flame. Mikhail died when he detonated a grenade in an attempt to flood the Looking Glass station. Full Profile