Update: The new section is now live called Lost Continuity and can be found via the "Continuity" tab at the top of the page. SpOOky and myself hope you enjoy it.Each week I get huge number of emails from people noticing small errors, productions goofs and continuity issues, but until now I've had no where upload and discuss them. One person that I've personally enjoyed reading is SpOOky from the 4815162342 Forums.
As a result we've been building a new section which SpOOky will be running that we hope will be the ultimate collection of goofs/gaffs/errors and other oddities. This site will be available shortly and SpOOky is doing a great job of ensuring a huge amount of content will be available to look at and discuss from day 1, and I know that he plans to put all his finds from Seasons 1 and 2 soon.
I hope you will enjoy this section as much as I do and hope you give SpOOKy a kind welcome.