ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT: What can you tell us about "Lost"? Where do you think your characters are? Do you think you all are dead?
JOSH HOLLOWAY: I would be disappointed as an audience member if I found out we were dead, but I really don't know what's going on. All I know is that I will be getting beat up by someone soon, I'm sure. But I like that. At first, as an actor, it's hard, to really let go, because we're used to knowing the beginning, middle and end [of a project], and how to flavor your performance accordingly. And since you don't have that option [with a series], it's really been a leap of faith to just let go of that, immerse myself in the character and trust what you're going to get. And [the writers] have been incredible. My wife still steals the script and locks herself in the bathroom right away so I can't read it. I'm like, "Come on!" So, it's still exciting.
ET: You don't read it together?
JOSH: No. We were doing that. But taking it apart and putting it back together again is a pain. She's a quick reader.
ET: What surprises you most about Sawyer at this point?
JOSH: That he makes the same mistakes over and over again. It's kind of a dichotomy because he's not a dumb person. He's pretty smart and makes references to books all the time. He's well read and all, but he makes the dumbest mistakes over and over again. I mean, how many times am I going to reach for my gun and get knocked out? At least keep it out. Do something. You know they made me a crack shot at the beginning -- I killed a polar bear full charge -- and [now] I can't hit a guy laying there.
ET: What do you think is going to happen in his relationship with Kate?
JOSH: I'm sure that he's going to mess that up pretty quick. 'Cause it's his nature. As an actor, it's more intriguing to me if he tried to make it work. It'd be so foreign to him. To explore it as an actor, that fine line of falling in love when that is not a part of that person's make-up, is challenging and would be a fun line to walk.
ET: The producers talked about setting an end date. How would you like to see the show end? Does that kind of scare you a little bit, you know, the end of shooting in Hawaii and all of that?
JOSH: Yes, that does. How I would like to see it end? I want a big, bloody 'Braveheart' battle, that's what I want, really. And I want Sawyer to die badly. But kind of as a last thing, he does something good, you know -- there's redemption.