Mastodon New Search Feature Added | LOST

DarkUFO - Lost

Update: 16th Jan
Our spiffy search engine has now been updated to include video thumbnails etc. When you search for something on the site it will now provide thumbnails where possible.

You are initially taken to a screen with the "Content" tab loaded. This will list all the results across the whole site include our tweets and the Forum. If you click on the Blog Tab it will show you only results from the section you are currently on. Non-Spoiler sections will not include spoilers results. If you are on the spoiler section it will show all results including spoilers.

Give it a go and let me know if you have any problems/suggestions etc.

Note: If you want to search ALL Lost Sites for info check out our Google for Lost page.

Update: 6th March 2009
Just to let you know that I've now installed a new more powerful search feature for the site which will allow you to search for any items on the site no matter where you are. You can find the search widget near the top of the right hand sidebar on most sections of the site. You can also see the most popular searches across the site as well as a small map showing where people are.

Just type in your search and hit Enter or press Search and you will be presented with a popup list of all the matches found across DarkUFO.

1) When you are on the non-spoiler sections of the site, the search will NOT return any results from either Spoilers or Rumours.
2) When you are on the Spoiler sections of the site the search will ONLY return results from either Spoilers or Rumours.

Give it a try and let me know what you think and if you have any problems. I'm currently trialling this software so any feedback would be great and we are constantly making small tweaks.

We welcome relevant, respectful comments.