NBC’s Constantine centers around John Constantine, a supernatural detective who finds himself having to defend the world against dark forces. The hour-long drama is based on characters from DC Comics and stars Matt Ryan as John Constantine. And now, the show has completed its series regular casting by adding three more name to the call sheet.
Sons of Anarchy‘s Harold Perrineau has joined the cast as Manny, “an authoritative angel assigned to watch over Constantine.” Manny is described as having the ability to “step into other people’s bodies.” His role is mainly to observe, but he is known to take action if it means saving a life.
Sons of Anarchy‘s Harold Perrineau has joined the cast as Manny, “an authoritative angel assigned to watch over Constantine.” Manny is described as having the ability to “step into other people’s bodies.” His role is mainly to observe, but he is known to take action if it means saving a life.