Welcome to DarkUFO, one of the most popular Lost sites on the net! We hope to have everything that a Lost fan wants: Spoilers, Theories, Screencaps, Recaps, Contests and lots of other great things to keep a dedicated Lost fan occupied. Please have a look around, post a comment, and interact with other Lost fans. Have fun, and namaste!
Update: 24th Jan Thanks to Jamie from WakeUpTimeToDie for this update.
Shirts will be getting sent out to those who pre-ordered as of this week, and that the shirts are now available through the site again
Update: 19th Jan Thanks to Jamie from WakeUpTimeToDie for this update.
The Mittelos and Black Rock shirts will be here from Friday this week, they'll then be dispatched as quickly as possible over the weekend to all those who have pre-ordered them. They will also be available to buy once more through the site until they are out of stock. Further orders will be placed for more stock should we sell out.
The Drive Shaft shirts have run into a slight problem print-wise, in so much that we needed to check the quality of the print before giving the go ahead for the print run. This was the largest of the pre-orders and we needed to make sure it was spot on before getting a large run printed. These will be coming the week after, and again they will be dispatched as soon as they arrive.
The reason all of this takes so long is that it's a large order, and we wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to PRE-ORDER before we placed an order with our printers. If we were to have a small run in stock straight away then many of you would have missed out on ordering, and it would have taken just as long to have had them reprinted and back in stock again. The pre-order process is the same no matter where you pre-order something from. These items are NOT YET IN STOCK, and therefore it's a pre-order system to judge how many you will need to have to fulfill orders and demand.
The process was communicated by DarkUFO as well as ourselves, but that has not stopped many people emailing to ask why they haven't received their order yet, some emailing after only a couple of days. Now, while we're aware that you have already paid in advance we're also aware that the process was made clear, and we've done all we possibly can to have this pushed through as soon as possible. Infact, our printers must be sick of the sound of my voice by now.
Everyone who has pre-ordered will be sent a confirmation email just as soon as their order has been dispatched, and we're looking at getting most of these done over this coming weekend. We did say previously that it would be by the end of January, and we're doing all we can to stick to that deadline.
I hope that's all fairly straight forward? Thankyou all for ordering with us, and thanks for your patience while we deal with what has been a huge demand.
Update: 13th Jan Please note: These shirts are not yet in stock. They are on order and were available to PRE-ORDER only Update: 13th Jan Pre-Orders are now completed (You have until the end of the day to make any pre-orders) and they'll be here hopefully by the end of next week. On the 22nd the store will then start taking normal orders and in a few weeks the final remaining designs will be ready for ordering. We'll post the new designs as soon as we have them.
Update: 17:45 As a result of the feedback from our US readers regarding shipping costs, WUTTD have very generously lowered the price of International postage to be in line with that of the European shipping costs. So now shipping to anywhere outside of Europe is half the price it was before. Happy now? :) Anyone who has already pre-ordered from the US or anywhere else outside of Europe will be sent a refund for the difference later on today/tomorrow. Update: 13:40 The first 3 designs below are now available for Pre-Orderinghere. They have kindly given us a Discount code for all DarkUFO readers of 10% when you use this code "DARKLOST10" in the Checkout. We'll update you when the other designs are complete and available.
A few weeks ago we ran a poll with our good friends at http://www.wakeuptimetodie.co.uk/ to see which batch of T-Shirts people would like to see made. Well the votes are in and they will make 4 of the following possible 5, depending which designs come out best.
Drive Shaft, Blast Door, Black Rock, and one of Mittelos or Jacob's Cabin. Here are the first 3 designs that will are available to order later. When the others are done we'll let you know.
I don't know about you but I think they look pretty cool. I'll be getting myself a DriveShaft one.